Twirl Scope

Enjoy a new and intuitive way of looking at frequencies.
The purpose of this app is to help people in their learning process (for example, when learning musical instruments).
It listens to the microphone on your device, in real time, and converts the audio data to frequencies – an audio spectrogram (also known as FFT – fast Fourier transform). The difference compared to a typical audio spectrogram is the way frequencies are displayed – mapped on a spiral type graph – conceived to indicate the frequencies of the musical notes (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B).

When first launching, please allow the app to access the microphone.
It’s a next generation spectrum analyzer – it does 3 things for you:
– helps you tune your instrument
– highlights the notes in a song you like
– lets you see the notes you play on your instrument

Just launch the app, allow it to use the microphone to analyze audio, and ideally place yourself away from unwanted noises. The app will try to suppress some of the noise, but it won’t work as well in a noisy environment.

Be careful – the app keeps the screen on. If you plan on using it for long stretches of time, it’s best to connect the device to a power source